Florida Construction Liens
In Florida, it's not uncommon for contractors to face difficulties…
Evicting Residential Tenants Without Written Lease Agreements
What is a Lease Under Florida Law? Prior to starting…
Ejectment Action: The Plaintiff’s Cry For Jurisdictional Integrity
Whether you are a landlord or owner, removing an unwanted occupant…
Eviction Or Unlawful Detainer? What’s The Difference And How Do You Remove an Unwanted Person From Your Florida Home?
Removing a person from your Florida home can be tricky for most…
What is Service of Process in Orlando, Florida?
Legal Counsel, P.A. is a business law firm in Orlando, Florida…
What is the Documentary Stamp Tax When Purchasing Real Estate in Florida?
One of the most important aspects of a property sale or transfer…
Public Records Law in Orlando, Florida
Public records are documents created by a government agency or…
What’s the Difference Between a Licensing Agreement and a Franchise Agreement?
A franchise agreement involves a contractual agreement where…
Florida Association of Realtors/Florida Bar Residential Contracts in Orlando, Florida
One of the most important documents in your home purchase the…
Escrow Disputes in Orlando, Florida
The most common kind of escrow dispute involves a situation in…