Foreclosures Lawyers in Orlando, Florida 

Orlando Foreclosure Lawyer

Legal Counsel, P.A. employs Orlando foreclosure defense lawyers who can help you if you are facing the loss of your property due to foreclosure.  Having trouble paying your mortgage?  Falling behind on payments?  Getting delinquency letters from your lender or bank? Getting phone calls from the bank?  Do not ignore these phone calls or notices.

Legal Counsel, P.A. employs foreclosure lawyers in Orlando, Florida who may be able to help you find alternatives to foreclosure.  Our firm helps individuals facing residential foreclosures or commercial foreclosures.  Alternatives to foreclosure include loan modification, payment plans, and forbearance.  If these alternatives aren’t available, Legal Counsel, P.A. may be able to assist you with a short sale or debt settlement to help you avoid the consequences of foreclosure. Contact Legal Counsel, P.A. today to learn more about your options and to protect your home and property.  We can help with:

  • Foreclosure Defense in Orlando, Florida:  The time to defend yourself against foreclosure is ideally before the foreclosure process has begun. Legal Counsel, P.A. employs foreclosure defense lawyers in Orlando who may be able to negotiate with your lender to arrange for a loan modification, payment plan, or forbearance to prevent your home from going into foreclosure. If the foreclosure process has already begun, you may still have options.

  • Our foreclosure defense lawyers at Legal Counsel, P.A. can review the documentation the lender is providing to the court to determine whether it is valid. In the wake of the economic downturn, some banks turned to “robo-signing” documents and there were reports of essential mortgage documents being lost. If the bank doesn’t have proper documentation to support the foreclosure, the bank may not be able to foreclose on your home. There are other legal defenses to foreclosure available as well. If the bank made errors in crediting your payments or failed to send your proper notice of default, you may also be able to fight the foreclosure. Finally, if you file for Chapter 13 bankruptcy, you may also be able to put a stay on your foreclosure. Legal Counsel, P.A. employs foreclosure defense lawyers in Orlando, Florida who can review your situation and help you use the best possible solution to keep your home or fight your foreclosure.

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  • Residential Foreclosure Defense in Orlando, Florida: Residential homeowners who cannot pay their mortgage may have many options when it comes to preventing foreclosure. If you are facing foreclosure of your home, and have a government-backed loan, you may have additional rights and options to preventing foreclosure in Orlando, Florida. For example, loans like VA loans, USDA loans, or FHA loans may have additional requirements of the lender to offer individuals loan modification options. Even if you do not have a government-backed loan, residential mortgage borrowers may be able to work with their bank to either refinance the mortgage or to seek a loan modification. In some cases, you can sell your home or go through a short sale to avoid foreclosure. If you are facing residential foreclosure, you may also have rights under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act.  Finally, Legal Counsel, P.A. employs residential foreclosure defense lawyers in Orlando, Florida who can either help you negotiate with your bank to prevent foreclosure or fight your foreclosure in court.  We can review your situation to see whether there may be alternatives available to you, such as a short sale, bankruptcy, or loan modification.  If the foreclosure legal process has already begun, Legal Counsel, P.A. employs residential foreclosure defense lawyers in Orlando, Florida who may be able to build a defense against the lender if the documentation supporting the foreclosure is not there.
  • Commercial Foreclosure Defense in Orlando, Florida: If you have a mortgage on commercial property and your business has hit hard times or if your mortgage has matured and you are facing a big lump sum payment, you may wonder what your options are for avoiding foreclosure in Orlando, Florida. Our commercial foreclosure defense lawyers in Orlando, Florida may be able to help you negotiate with the bank to prevent foreclosure.  There may be other options available to you, including refinancing, bankruptcy, or giving the bank a personal guaranty (if you think you just need more time to get above water on the mortgage).  Lenders must take you to court to complete a commercial foreclosure.  While borrowers of commercial property might have fewer rights than borrowers of residential property, you may still have options if your foreclosure is going to court.  For example, you may have the right to fight any bank errors, fight if the bank is missing documents or has incorrect documents regarding the foreclosure, and may be able to fight the lender in court if the lender made false or fraudulent statements when making out the loan. The commercial foreclosure defense lawyers at Legal Counsel, P.A. may be able to help you if you are facing foreclosure of commercial property in Orlando, Florida.
  • Short Sales and Debt Settlement in Orlando, Florida: In some cases, homeowners who cannot pay their mortgage may be able to sell their home and use the proceeds to pay off the mortgage.  However, if the value of the home is less than the money owed on the mortgage, the home might need to be sold in a short sale.  During a short sale, the bank approves the sale of the home for less than is owed on the mortgage and agrees to forgive the remaining amount owed upon the sale of the home.  If you are falling behind on your mortgage or find that you are underwater in equity on your home, a short sale may be an option available to you to prevent foreclosure. Legal Counsel, P.A. employs short sale and debt settlement lawyers in Orlando, Florida who may be able to assist you.

If you are having trouble paying your mortgage, you might be stressed and worried.  The temptation might be to avoid phone calls from the bank or lender.  However, you may have options when it comes to negotiating with your lender and avoiding foreclosure.  Legal Counsel, P.A. employs foreclosure defense lawyers in Orlando, Florida who may be able to help you. Have Questions?  We have answers.  Contact Legal Counsel, P.A. today at 407.982.4321.


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